Just got some stupid contagious flu from some gangs who doesn't use 'protection'. you know... if your whole gang got sick cz one person.... you shud know, that illness is contagious. and when you know it's contagious, wear that damn mask or don't come to school or sit farrrrrrr farrrrrrrrr away from others la! BODO! if you don't have a mask, blow a condom and put on yr head la. for fucking sick! I just hate it when people always think wearin mask is a stupid thing. It was from the stupid 'stigma' to wear mask that H1N1 outbreak was so vast recently. This people, goes to university, but mentality ? Damn low. INCONSIDERATE INCONSIDERATE INCONSIDERATE! FUCK ALL THESE PEOPLE.
Aside from releasing my damn tension bout this fucking people... was that.... wanna confess what i wanted most when i got sick. I wished that someone who cares me. Like you know.... check out bout me once a while... Like how my mom used to do... checking my tempreture when its time and make hot porridge for me and etc.like a nurse in a hospital... I tend to be a little dependent when I'm sick- so unike me huh? The reason was that I wished to know that I still worth living so when I'm sick. There's no surprise that I heal faster when I'm not sick, it eases my pain by much. *sighh* but who wants to do this kinda thingss aside from yr mom. I don't even know. BUt i hope this person will come someday....
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