Prior to this new post, I did noticed I grew alot since my last post, in terms of thinking and quality of friendship. Thou I would look back and laugh at how emotional/stupid myself is, I do think all these are part of my learning process and accept who I am in the past. There're things I regret saying/doing but I still accept tht for being part of myself. It's only by learning from the past and applying in future will make oneself grow and be mature.
Recently, I'd also joined the DSLR-wave bandwagon because my Olympus has began not working properly eversince my trip to Austrillia. Mom has brought me one (after much much of persuasion), I was granted one. My very own Canon EOS Rebel TX1-Kiss 550D. Fuiyoh. Even the camera's name is longer than mine. Maybe I'll give my review about this camera sometime later.
I also have been browsing many of these photography tutorial website. Learnt alot about photography these days, like overexposure/ISO/f-stops (which once sounded so Greek to me). But after some reading and practicing, tadaaa! My very first bokeh experiment.
lowest amount. Manually focus your camera (swipe the AF tab to MF) and snap! FYI: you may also need a tripod to avoid camra shake. For more info, click here, this website provide pretty much comprehensive info about bokeh.
And so, now I'm back again to update you about myself from time to time.... and this time, I promise with more pictures and fun stuffs!
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