Thursday, November 26

I wanna forget you

Each time, I wanna forget about you, why hope appears? I seemed like as if you know I'm trying my very best to forget you? And you, the devil unconciously luring me fall back to my previous state again. Or is it my subconcious simply doesn't want to forget about you? I don't know. I seem to be psychologically fighting between myself.

Sometimes, I think as if you're too coward to walk toward the stage and save this injured ballerina infront of the crowd. What are you afraid of? The crowd's evaluation or the rejection from the ballerina? You this indecisive and ego person. Really makes me really fustrated. Why don't you think in another way? You may be seen as a hero and received standing oviation from the crowd. And the ballerina will happily fall into your arms?

Sometimes, I would contradict myself. I keep reminding myself. This is one sided love. Is what you think. IS what you believe that he likes you. You're just too desperate to see anyone to fall in love with. Perhaps. Perhaps, I'm really an idiot. Baka-desu! Perhaps I'm the patheticly-injured-ballerina whom longingly waiting for the never return prince.

Prince, if at any chance you read this blog. Please be more courageous to step forward and do what you fear not to do. Be courageous. No girls admires guys cowardice.

Ah.... in the end. I guess. Maybe I've been thinking too much. I should forget you and stop waiting.

Perhaps, its actually a dreaming ballerina fantasy.

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