Wednesday, April 8

Gloom Day

A Gloom Day

Here comes the last week of my 1st semester, 1st year for my degree in psychology. Little did I know that time has actually flew... There's so many things I learned this semester, happened this semester, decided this semester, and well, targeted this semester. What I have to say? Move on and exam is coming. Speaking of moving on, I really had not revised well the things I has to study on- mc100: one whole book has not been read, and what electives that I'm taking next semester? I really don't know. Still ablur....

Yup, so many things to think about and perhaps thats the reason why today I felt to gloomy. I guessm for the most part of it is because my Easter project thing tommorow and the crowd wasn't so enthusiatic. Which I really did not prepared for it. I thought they're gonna be very eager to decorate an egg and donate it to the home. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out to be tommorow. Who knows many people actually gonna bring an egg tommorow right?

I admit that this whole idea thing is all about me myself and I. I am the one who is so fixated in my highschool time doing eggies during easter day. I was the one who suggested sangee to make this big. So, who to blame? Me. Too little emphaty that I have on others. (Kay, i'm typing all the scraps in my mind so the thing here doesn't make sense). Perhaps people are just too busy with their own thing. And seem to care less about all these things. Stupid mel.

Not only this easter-project-failure thing that makes my day so gray, but also PSG. They games that they had today is obviously discriminating towards people who are of bigger size. I really don't like the game. Rather than learning about teamwork, never give up things, I learned about to be self concious about my body shape. Well, the initial intention may be good, but they did not consider about how others may feel. So, yeah. So suck.

Another thing besides this is I met this guy called K (nickname). Well initially I thought he was nice and all, but eventually he acted like u-ugly-so-i-don't-know-you. What the..! He's like damn mengada. I know you always mix with some pretty chicks , but the thing is, you should not forget your virtue of being nice to others also right? Dumboooooooooo! Pui. Stupid man.

On top of all these super bad thing, the good thing is I start having few mini convos with crown. Well, it was good, he was polite & nice ^^. Btw, this is my first time talking to him neh~ So proud of myself. But, the thing is, we did not asked each other names at all. I just shoved him the flyer that sangee made; and then he said ok. And then, I did mentioned his name when he was around (lol, he must think this girl! Since when she knew my name? Weirdoooooo). He was a very obvious good listener when there is this girl in my class got problem. He actually sat down and talk to her.... Really an amazing person.... No temper and alll... Like a saint >.<|| Too bad, I couldn't sit and talk together gether for sangee and all was waiting for me. :( But, one thing for sure, I have really good impression on him. At least, today aren't so gloomy because of him. Luckily, you are there to cheer up my day a little. xoxo

p/s: be +ve about tommorow. Things aren't that bad afterall... ~~


You laugh because I'm different...........
I laugh cause I just farted!

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