Wednesday, April 8

The thing about relaxing

The Virtue of Relaxing

Since exam coming around. A little thing that I wanna share with you to help youv study better is to relax! Yup. Although there are thousands and thousands of ever ending pages that oyu not only have to understnad but memorize, take this relaxing tips. I realy helps me better in studying.

1. Listen to songs that have slow modes when you're studying. It regulates yr moods alot. Some of the music by all this artiste i would recommmend:-Yiruma: best pianist that i ever knew of
Yanni: Best meditative songs. Makes you feel close to nature and all

2. Go for yoga. I allows you to have all muscle that you're not aware of having it to be flexed. Let them breathe then, you can asorb things better by then..

Hatta Yoga

3. Take enough of sleep

4. Eat healthily. More fruits an less other types of genre of food. Take whatever is necessary. You know better than i do right? Yup, and drink alot of water.

By then, you're more than prepared to study well for exams. Remember, all work no play makes JACK a dull boy.......


You laugh because I'm different...........
I laugh cause I just farted!

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