Friday, April 10

Ugly as I am


Do you ever feel at one part of your life that you're ugly? You simply look ugly at every angle... No matter how much you adorn yourself with meaningless artificial ornaments & apparel. You're simply ugly just the way you are. Reason why? I really don't know. What I'm sure about is I definitely feel this way right now. This thing has concurrently brought my self esteem to -ve 100%. The strange thing is I has never felt this way before. I mean I never thought I'm prettier than others or anything. But at least, I'm satisfied with the way I look. I remember once I said this to victoria "You must love yourself before others love you". I guess, I kinda don't like the way I look now and as such, I don't think so Crown like me the way I am. What the fish I'd been thinking all the while. All the crap fate, crap convos, crap "sticky face" is simply just my illusion. Those are all not true. You met him so often at school because our school i SMALL, the mini convos you had because you're CLASSMATES, the sticky face thing is because you LOOK at him and so you'll feel that he LOOKS at you too. DUMBO. I'm just an idiot. Good night.

You laugh because I'm different...........
I laugh cause I just farted!

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